Interlibrary Loan (ILL)
Looking for something we don’t own?
Logan students, faculty, and staff may use interlibrary loan to request articles or books from other libraries with these simple steps.
- Sign in to your interlibrary loan account and choose Create Request.
- Fill out as much information as possible.
- Submit Request
Articles are placed into your account as a PDF and you will receive an email notification when ready to view. Books are available to pick up at the circulation desk and you will receive an email notification when ready for pick-up.
How to Check on Pending and Past Requests?
To view the status of a pending interlibrary loan request, you can sign in to your account, using the link above, and click on view/modify my current outstanding request.
Email us:
Chat with us: Click here
Check the library’s current holdings before requesting an item by interlibrary loan. Use the Journal Holdings for articles and the Library Catalog and MOBIUS catalog for books.
Purchase Recommendation of Library Materials
The Library welcomes suggestions for the acquisition of materials, which support the mission of Logan University and the Learning Resources Center. Depending on the nature of the request, purchase suggestions may be reviewed by the Library Review Committee in light of the library’s collection development policies and budget allowance. You will receive a follow-up regarding the status of your request by email. Submit a recommendation by whichever contact method is preferable.
Email us:
Chat with us: Click here
Submit online: Purchase Request Form
Before submitting a request, please check the catalog to determine whether the material you want is already owned by the library.